Peril on Monster Island 2 1/3 is an adventure game built using Epic's Unreal Development Kit. As an intrepid sailor, yuo awake to find yourself stranded on a seemingly desolate island. Venturing deeper into the heart of the island reveals a darker secret...
Explore the open island environment, solving puzzles and challenges while trying to find your way back home! This first person adventure game will take you on a journey through an island inhabited by monsters. Explore the beaches, thick wilderness, and depths of the island's crypts, all while encountering surprises, witchcraft, and mild peril!
Elite vs. Freedom is an Indie third-person shooter game. In the near future, the Earth is controlled by a global government. Few dare to resist this neo-feudalistic, corporatist, police state. Leading the insurgence, a group known as Freedom takes up the fight.
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